2019 – 2023 Lake Owen Association Strategic Plan Summary 

Our Vision for Lake Owen: 

A pristine refuge sustained by an engaged community 

Mission of the Lake Owen Association: 

Preserve and Protect Lake Owen  

Critical Objectives 

  1. Preserve water quality and enhance natural habitat. 
  2. Prevent the introduction and establishment of invasive species.
  3. Inspire active stakeholder involvement. 
  4. Retain best in class lake management. 
  5. Establish sustainable financial resources.

How We Will Reach These Critical Objectives 

The Lake Owen Association Board is working together with professional lake managers to preserve and protect Lake Owen and carry out recommendations of our Lake Management Plan. We welcome your support and involvement as we work to maintain Lake Owen as our pristine refuge. 

1. Preserve water quality and enhance natural habitat. 

  • Continue water quality assessment. Information will be used to update the Lake Owen Comprehensive Management Plan.  
  • Identify important Lake Owen fish and wildlife habitat and share information with owners and visitors. 
  • Provide advice and design assistance to owners to reduce runoff and improve habitat on their properties.

2. Prevent the introduction and establishment of invasive species. 

  • Continue Clean Boats, Clean Waters inspections at the public landings. 
  • Provide best available boat and equipment decontamination.  
  • Be prepared with aquatic invasive species rapid response plan. 
  • Monitor and control yellow iris.  
  • Monitor the entire lake for aquatic invasive species monthly during the summer.

 3. Inspire active stakeholder involvement. 

  • Increase membership and member participation at annual meetings and other events.  
  • Continue popular pontoon classrooms and guided hikes. 
  • Host a gathering for the next generation of Lake Owen owners to get acquainted. 
  • Increase effectiveness of the web site and social media as communication tools. 
  • Provide annual reports and hold meetings with key stakeholders. 
  • Invite members to provide input with targeted focus group discussions. 
  • Maintain on-line member directory to encourage interaction.  
  • Evaluate and provide input to local and state land use, zoning, and AIS policies.

4. Retain best in class lake management. 

  • Complete annual review/self-evaluation for lake managers. 
  • Identify model programs and organizations to learn from their activities. 
  • Seek outside expertise and study results when needs are identified. 

 5. Maintain a sustainable organization with adequate financial resources. 

  • Raise $2.5 million for endowment fund to support LOA activities into the future.  
  • Maintain eligibility and apply for grant dollars. 
  • Document LOA procedures and responsibilities for critical functions.

Accomplishments 2019 -2023 

Water Quality 

  • Completed water quality study and reports: full report and executive summary available on the website. With this baseline, fewer water flow and quality measurements are now taken to monitor ongoing conditions.  
  • Identified and mapped important Lake Owen fish and wildlife habitat areas (report December 2022). 
  • Provided water quality landscaping site evaluations for 11 Lake Owen property owners. 
  • Developed preliminary design documents for Lake Owen Villas to reduce runoff to the lake. The LOVA will implement recommendations on their own schedule and budget. Presented suggestions for Virginia Beach Condo Association.  
  • Groundwater model developed for Lake Owen (March 2022 report). 
  • Installed thermistor string long term temperature profile monitoring (2022 and 2023). 

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention 

  • Completed whole lake aquatic plant survey. 
  • Completed monthly AIS meander surveys (June, July, and August each year). 
  • Staff a boater education and inspection and decontamination station using a hot water, high pressure washer at the US Forest Service North Outlet Landing (approved late summer 2020). Provide boater education and staff a decontamination station using a mild bleach solution at the USFS Two Lakes Campground (approved late summer 2021 and installed in 2022).  
  • Encouraged Bayfield County to amend their aquatic invasive species ordinance to require decontamination when available at a public access. Bayfield County acknowledged LOA influence at a state conference. Ordinance was amended July 2020. 
  • Completed aquatic invasive species rapid response plan. 
  • Installed sampling devices to monitor for potential zebra mussel establishment. 

Aquatic Invasive Species Control 

  • Inventoried the lake for yellow iris and other aquatic invasive species each June. Control measures (chemical and hand-removal) were completed in 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023 with fewer spots to control each year. Inventory and potential control measures will continue in 2024. 


  • Held two focus groups with Lake Owen owners to gain insight regarding lake management and the work of Lake Owen Association (August 2022). The focus group results guided the development of a Lake Owen Property Owners Survey administered in November 2022. Results from both now inform the work of the LOA. 
  • Developed a new LOA brochure for distribution at landings which included an attractive lake map. Topics included prevention of aquatic invasive species, no-wake requirements, and important aquatic plant habitat areas.  
  • Improved and updated information on the LOA website. 
  • Used email campaigns to distribute relevant information to property owners.  


  • Completed a successful Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Lake Protection Grant project at the end of 2022. 
  • Applied for and was awarded new DNR grant funding to support LOA activities beginning in 2023 including:
    • Aquatic invasive species decontamination,  
    • Clean Boats, Clean Waters boater education to prevent invasive species introduction at the landings,  
    • Water quality and habitat assessments leading to an updated comprehensive lake management plan (3-year project). 
  • LOA Board held regular meetings to guide and support these activities 

2023 Highlights 

Installed TrakX devices at landings to monitor traffic flow (days and times) 

Established on-line directory 

Expanded educational and social events for LOA members to include: 

  • Next generation gathering (new) 
  • Guided hikes 
  • Geology pontoon tour (new) 
  • Water quality pontoon tour (1) 
  • Golf tournament 
  • 4th of July boat parade 
  • Otter Boyz Concerts 
  • Autumn “Raft-up” 
  • Annual meeting and picnic.