Board members present:  Tom Johnson, Jon Nymo, Dave Berg, Terry Miller, Mike Yankee, Bill Hannaford, Ralph Owen, Jodi Pfaff-Gillman, Amy Louis, Jill Stoebe, Clint Harris

LOA members estimated to be on the video: 57 plus spouses

Meeting called to order by President Tom Johnson at 9:03 A.M.

1. Tom welcomed all LOA members to the video conference call and explained that the LOA Board had intended to raise money for an endowment fund this year but due to the virus this had to postponed until 2021.  He pointed out there will be no voting by the membership at this meeting due to the video call. Cheryl Clemens reviewed the ZOOM procedures and protocol and Tom introduced all Board members, plus Cheryl Clemens, Steve Schieffer, Ed Ronkowski, Jr., and Paul Rhodes.

2. Minutes from the July 13, 2019 annual meeting are posted on the LOA website:

3. Lake Manager 2019-20 Report, Cheryl Clemens:

Activities during 2019-20 include:

a. New website, including new information under Lake Issues

b. Strategic Plan completed and posted on the website

c. AIS-Clean Boats Clean Water.  Some delays in opening the boat landings but both are now open and monitored.  We are working on moving the wash station to the North Outlet boat landing where it should receive more usage.  A Bayfield County ordinance is expected to be approved this month requiring boats to be washed before being launched.  A sanitizing station is installed at Otter Bay Resort where boaters can bleach their boats and wait 10 minutes before launching.

d. Rapid Response Plan to combat invasive species is budgeted and in draft  form.

e. Cheryl is available to offer assistance to lake members who may be interested in shoreline restoration.  Some funds are available and she can be contacted via our website.


4. Lake Owen research activities, Steve Schieffer: Steve is the lead scientist working with the Lake Manager and the LOA Board to conduct surveys and other scientific activity on the lake. Detailed information is on the website including aquatic plant survey, AIS species, water clarity, and info on “why the lake is so clean.”  A ground water study is Steve’s next project.


5. Fisheries Report, Paul Rhodes: Paul met recently with a Wisconsin DNR representative and reported the adult walleye population has had a slight uptick. It is drawing closer to the 1990’s level of 1.5-1.75 fish per acre. It is now 1.25.  In 2018, 12,495 large (6”) fingerling walleyes were released in the lake and the DNR intends to release another 12,500 this year.  Largemouth bass are decreasing, which is good, and smallmouth bass are increasing.  Several 20-22” smallmouth have been caught and released. The natural reproduction of walleyes is good. There are no rainbow trout in the lake but the blue gill/sun fish population is very high.


6.  LP Gas Report, Dave Berg: Midland Energy will again be the provider for 2020-2021.  This past year they offered a 7% rebate which lowered the per gallon price to approximately $1.04 per gallon.  The new price for 2020-2021, effective 9/1/2020 to 4/30/2021 is $1.09 with an expected rebate of 5-7% which lowers the price to $1.02-$1.04 per gallon. In addition they are offering a one-time summer fill for $.99 per gallon. Tanks must be less than 50% filled and the gas must be ordered by August 15 and delivered by August 31, 2020.


7. Treasurer’s Report, Bill Hannaford:  The treasurer’s report was discussed in detail including 2019-2020 budget and proposed 2020-2021 budget, plus the Net Worth Statement with a balance of $330,040.97.

8. Tom Johnson discussed an endowment fund raising goal of $2.5 million for next summer.

9.  Nomination of LOA Board of Directors (3 year terms):  Tom Johnson, Jodi Pfaff-Gillman, and Mike Yankee have agreed to serve on the board for the next 3 years.

10. Questions from members: What is the status of the Chinese Mystery Snail and crayfish population?  Steve reported the snails are difficult to mitigate and Paul reported the bass are eating the crayfish.

Is it possible to place buoys on the lake to control boat traffic?  The Board has discussed hiring a law enforcement deputy during peak periods.  The town of Drummond would have to pass an ordinance to place buoys on the lake and the LOA would need to pay for them.

An excellent drone video of Lake Owen produced by Owen Louis was shown at the end of the meeting.

After Tom announced and invited everyone to attend a Live Acoustic Show by Sidney Hulburd on Sunday evening at 5:30 in Johnson Bay, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m., right on schedule!

Respectfully submitted,

Jon Nymo, Secretary