JULY 13, 2019


Board Members Present: Tom Johnson, Amy Louis, Jill Stoebe, Jon Nymo, Terry Miller, Bill Hannaford, Dave Berg, Ralph Owen, Mike Yankee, Jodi Pfaff

LOA Members Present: 62

1. Welcome and Introductions (and a bad joke)! – Tom Johnson

2. Review of Minutes from July 14, 2018 annual meeting.   The Minutes were unanimously accepted by the association.

3. Update on Lake Management and research activities- Cheryl Clemens, of Harmony Environmental and staff members, Zach and Nile.

a.  Water Quality- why so clean and clear?

b.  Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Surveys

c.  Decontamination Station is up and running

d. Shoreland Restoration

Discussion: Tom Johnson discussed the possibility of moving the decont- amination unit to the north boat landing next summer to access more boats prior to launch, and for cost savings.  He is currently working with the Na- tional Forest Service to advance this option.  The board will be working with Bayfield County to pass an ordinance requiring boats to be inspected at landings where inspectors are present and, if necessary, decontaminat- ed when decontamination stations are readily available.   An association member commented on how Eurasion Milfoil, Zebra Mus sels and other invasive species enter into the lake ecosystem, and sug- gested that they can be spread by waterfowl, or birds, therefore, uncontrol- lable.  Studies show that they are transported by boat (bilge, water tanks, motors, etc.) and by trailer.  Studies have shown that AIS is not spread by birds or waterfowl. Through a study on Zebra Mussel DNA, it is possible to track where they come from and it shows how vulnerable nearby lakes become to infestations.

4. Treasurer’s Report and 2020 budget presentation- Bill Hannaford. Amy made motion to approve the treasurer’s report and the 2020 budget, seconded by Peg Louis, and passed unanimously.

5. Lake Owen Preservation Fund Campaign- Amy Louis and Tom Johnson- Amy Louis discussed the need to finance the conservation measures prioritized by the long-range plan.  Board donations and a State of Wisconsin DNR grant have enabled the board to take initial steps and should be sufficient to sustain efforts for the next three years.  Continuing prevention and restoration efforts beyond that point will necessitate contributions from Lake Owen property owners.  It is projected that $3 million to $4 million in endowed funds should be sufficient to finance efforts for future generations.  All Lake Association members were encouraged by Louis to consider the extent to which they could contribute to the endowed fund.  Board members will begin conversations with Association members about donations in the coming months.  Louis thanked all present for their consideration and support of this important effort.

6. LP Gas Purchase – Dave Berg  Available to Lake Owen Association members only- Midland Co-op is offering $1.12 per gallon for 2019-2020, with an additional rebate at the end of the year.  Members must sign up with Midland to be eligible.

7. Fishing Report- Paul Rhodes and Scott Toschner (WI-DNR)  The DNR will be providing Lake Owen Association with a fish monitoring report in the winter of 2020-2021.  It will hopefully answer the question, “Can we differentiate the genetic information between stocked and non-stocked walleye?”  Walleye have populated 1.1 per acre (blue line goal).  In 2018, WIDNR have introduced/stocked, 63,785, large fingerling walleyes, between the years of 2011 thru 2018.  At a cost of $1.26 a fish, with a total cost to DNR of $80,369, and will continue every other year, for the next 5 years.  The estimated survival rate of stocked walleye is currently 2-3%.  Lake Owen is extremely clean, which may be negatively affecting the survival rate.  The majority of the Red Cliff Tribe’s restocked fish have died.  Their restocking efforts over time, will stay low.

8. Terry Miller/ Social Activities- He reminded everyone about the Picnic at the north end picnic ground that evening.  There will be a Lake Owen Association Golf Tournament on August 21st at TOIX at 10AM.  He reminded people to register with their teams and handicaps.  He thanked the Louis family for allowing the association to use their golf course and their continued generosity.

9. New LOA website- presented by Jon Nymo and Ed Ronkowski. The old website will be discontinued on July 15th, so please check out the new one.  Ed also controls the LOA Facebook page.  Please send Ed photos and interesting stories at:

10. Nominations for LOA Board of Directors.  Board terms for directors Bill Hannaford, Amy Louis and Terry Miller are up for another three-year term.  These directors were re-elected unanimously. The board currently has 10 directors, with 1 more position available for nomination. Jodi nominated Clint Harris, Scott McKinney seconded, and Clint was unanimously approved.

12.  Other Matters/Announcements-

The Opening celebration of the Decontamination station was announced for Monday, July 15th at 4:30PM at the site located on Hwy 63 and Lake Owen Station.  Discussion to follow, with refreshments provided afterward at the Black Bear.

A member of the association expressed concern regarding the wake thrown by wake-board boats. His boat was swamped by one, and he questioned the effect they might be having on lake shore degradation.  There are discussions occurring at the county level, but nothing has been done to prevent, or limit their use.

Meeting adjourned 10:45AM

Respectfully Submitted by:

Jodi Pfaff Gillman