July 20, 2024

 Via  ZOOM and Drummond Town Hall

Attending : All Board Members

Via Zoom:  Odinn Johnson,

Guests: Cheryl Clemons, Steve Schieffer

  1.  Meeting called to order by President Amy Louis at 9:01 AM CDT.  Approximately 45 LOA members welcomed by Amy, and Board members introduced themselves.
  2.  Minutes of June 13,  2023 meeting approved.  Zoom instructions described by Cheryl.
  3.  Lake management plan update:  A grant was received to update the plan.  Jerry Kollross introduced the advisory group members.
  4.  Wake boat ordinance update: LOA survey indicated members are concerned about wake boats.  An ordinance was passed by Cable and the Drummond Town Board is in the process of passing an ordinance in August.  A public hearing is scheduled on August 14th, at 6:30 PM, at the Drummond Town Hall.  It will limit ballast boats to operate within 600’ of the shoreline.  Home Lake Rule applies, requiring ballast boats from other lakes to have proof they have been decontaminated. Ordinance will be posted at the landings.  Renters should be notified of the ordinance.  Boat monitors are at the North landing 7 days a week, at the campground 4 days a week, and Otter Bay on weekends.  Danille Krol expressed concern about boats and jet skis not observing the no wake rule by her property.  It is up to us to “police” the violators as best we can.  Scott McKinney discussed the proposed wake boat ordinance being considered by the Drummond Town Board which is expected to be approved in August, 2024.
  5. Lake Owen science activities – Steve Scheieffer gave an interesting and excellent presentation on the water quality of Lake Owen, which is in good shape.  Only one Yellow Iris plant was found on the lake this year. Water quality is the same now as it was in 2013. Cheryl discussed what residents can do to keep the lake in its pristine condition. Check your septic systems, minimize erosion during construction projects, invite her to visit your property to discuss shoreline erosion, and plant native plants.
  6. Treasurer’s report, Bill Hannaford.  Total inflows, 6/1/23 -5/31/24 were $52,805, outflows were $81,264.  Budget for this fiscal year is $85,000 inflows, $127,00 outflows for a deficit of $42,000, primarily due to increased staffing for monitoring.  Net worth is $1,456,019, of which the P & P fund is $1,396,061.  The fund is used annually to cover potential budget deficits.Motion made, seconded, and approved to accept the treasurer’s report.
  7.  Fishing report – Paul Rhodes.  Otter Bay bass tournament caught 22 smallmouth.  Bass population continues to be high. The 7 year count for walleyes is 4.3 fish per mile.  The DNR  will stock 12,500 fingerling walleyes in October.  There are lots of perch in the lake and plenty of crayfish which the pike and bass like to eat.
  8. Nomination of LOA Board of Directors (3 year terms) Amy thanked retiring board members Dave Berg, Tom Johnson, and Jon Nymo for their many years of service. Janet Sontag, Mac Harris, and Steph Kirby were nominated, motion made and seconded to close the nominations, and the nominees were approved.  Congratulations!
  9. Upcoming events: Charity golf event for Lake Owen Homeowners is Monday, August 19th, at TOIX. CARE Foundation is the charity and the cost is $50, which includes lunch.  Sign up sheets for hikes and pontoon tours are available at the front desk. Dave Berg discussed the propane contract for next year which is $1.38 per gallon from Midland Services, Ashland.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Jon Nymo, Secretary (Retired)

At the conclusion of the meeting Scoot McKinney and Heather Ludzack were invited to speak to the members concerning Town of Drummond and Cable activities.  Scott talked about the Drummond campground which is generating $70K of annual revenue, the Millpond Dam issue, which is not expected to be approved since there is no insurance available, and the need for affordable housing.  The Black Bear restaurant has received their permit to rebuild which is good news. It will have seating capacity for 60 people.  The Chippewa Valley Bank building will be vacated in September and it has been offered for sale to the Town for $1.

Heather is Executive Director of the Cable Area Chamber of Commerce and sh brought several copies of the Cable Area Vacation & Travel Guide. The website is  She is also President of the Drummond School Board.  She discussed the recent referendum which was passed. The Drummond mill rate is among the 5 lowest in the state. Drummond Schools cover an area of 700 square miles.